April 13, 2024



How to vote India
How to vote India: Introduction: How to vote India- Vote which means we, i.e. every citizen of India, has every right to select the leader of our country. After India got independence on August, 15th of 1947, there has been constitution which we have been framed. Indian Constitution helps all of the citizens to perform our duties and in our country....
MGNREGA: Introduction:                MGNREGA means Mahatma Gandhi national rural employment guarantee act. It is started in the year of 2005. The main aim of this scheme is to provide work to the people in rural areas who volunteer to do unskilled labor. Under this scheme, the government should provide every individual of the family in rural areas 100 days of work...
GRADEUP: Introduction: Every year in India, more than thirty billion students are writing competitive exams. So, they find it challenging to prepare for these competitive exams at home. So, they choose to go to offline courses and tuitions. To overcome this difficulty, many companies started to give coaching online. One such company is GRADEUP.                Grade stack learning Pvt. Ltd is the...

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